PLA Not Sticking to Bed: Solutions and Fixes


One of the most common issues faced by 3D printing enthusiasts is getting PLA (Polylactic Acid) filament to stick to the print bed. Proper bed adhesion is crucial for successful prints. Here are some effective solutions and fixes to help you achieve better adhesion with PLA.

1. Level the Print Bed

Tip: Ensure that your print bed is level and correctly calibrated.

Explanation: An uneven bed can cause inconsistent nozzle distances across the print surface, leading to poor adhesion. Use a piece of paper or feeler gauge to manually level the bed at multiple points.

2. Adjust the Z-Offset

Tip: Set the correct distance between the nozzle and the print bed.

Explanation: The Z-offset determines how close the nozzle is to the bed during printing. If it’s too high, the filament won’t stick; if it’s too low, the filament may not extrude properly. Adjust the Z-offset so that the first layer is slightly squished but not overly compressed.

3. Clean the Print Bed

Tip: Regularly clean the print bed to remove dust, oils, and leftover filament.

Explanation: A dirty bed can prevent PLA from adhering properly. Use isopropyl alcohol or a mild detergent and water solution to clean the surface. Ensure it’s completely dry before starting a new print.

4. Use Bed Adhesives

Tip: Apply adhesives like glue stick, blue painter’s tape, or hairspray for better grip.

Explanation: Adhesives create a sticky surface that helps PLA adhere to the bed. Apply a thin, even layer of glue stick or hairspray, or cover the bed with blue painter’s tape. These methods can improve bed adhesion and reduce warping.

5. Adjust Bed Temperature

Tip: Set the bed temperature between 50°C and 70°C.

Explanation: PLA typically adheres better when the print bed is heated. Start with a bed temperature of around 60°C and adjust based on your specific filament and printer. Too high or too low temperatures can negatively affect adhesion.

6. Slow Down Print Speed

Tip: Reduce the print speed for the first layer.

Explanation: Slowing down the first layer print speed improves adhesion by allowing the filament to bond better with the bed. A speed of 20-30 mm/s is usually effective for the first layer.

7. Use a Brim or Raft

Tip: Add a brim or raft to your print in the slicer settings.

Explanation: Brims and rafts increase the surface area of the first layer, improving bed adhesion. A brim adds a single-layer outline around the base of your model, while a raft creates a thicker, detachable base under the entire print.

8. Enable First Layer Squish

Tip: Increase the first layer height and width in your slicer settings.

Explanation: Increasing the first layer height and width helps create a stronger bond with the print bed. This technique, sometimes called “first layer squish,” ensures that more material is laid down, enhancing adhesion.

9. Ensure Ambient Temperature Control

Tip: Maintain a stable ambient temperature around your printer.

Explanation: Rapid temperature changes and drafts can cause warping and poor adhesion. Place your printer in a stable environment away from windows, air conditioners, and fans. An enclosure can also help maintain consistent temperatures.

10. Check for Bed Warping

Tip: Inspect your print bed for warping or damage.

Explanation: A warped bed can cause inconsistent nozzle distances and poor adhesion. Check for flatness using a straight edge or a dial indicator. If your bed is warped, consider replacing it or using a flexible magnetic build plate.


Achieving proper bed adhesion with PLA requires careful attention to multiple factors, including bed leveling, nozzle distance, bed cleanliness, and temperature settings. By following these solutions and fixes, you can significantly improve your chances of successful, high-quality prints with PLA.

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