Preventing 3D Print Stringing: 5 Easy Methods


Stringing, also known as “oozing,” is a common issue in 3D printing where thin strands of filament are left on the print between different sections. These strings can ruin the appearance of your print, but fortunately, there are several easy methods to prevent this problem. Here are five effective strategies to help you reduce or eliminate stringing in your 3D prints.

1. Optimize Retraction Settings

Tip: Adjust retraction distance and speed in your slicer settings.

Explanation: Retraction pulls the filament back into the nozzle during travel moves, preventing it from oozing out. Increase the retraction distance to pull more filament back and adjust the retraction speed to find the right balance for your printer and material. Start with small adjustments and test until stringing is minimized.

2. Lower Printing Temperature

Tip: Reduce the nozzle temperature to minimize filament oozing.

Explanation: High temperatures can cause the filament to become too liquid, leading to more oozing and stringing. Lower the printing temperature by 5-10°C increments until you see a reduction in stringing. Be careful not to go too low, as this can affect layer adhesion and print quality.

3. Adjust Travel Speed

Tip: Increase the travel speed for non-print moves.

Explanation: Faster travel speeds reduce the time the nozzle spends moving over open areas, giving the filament less opportunity to ooze out. In your slicer settings, increase the travel speed to 150-200 mm/s to help prevent stringing.

4. Enable Combing Mode

Tip: Activate combing mode in your slicer software.

Explanation: Combing mode keeps the nozzle within the interior of the print during travel moves, avoiding crossing perimeters that can lead to stringing. This setting minimizes the chance of oozing filament leaving strings across open spaces.

5. Clean the Nozzle

Tip: Regularly clean the nozzle to ensure smooth extrusion.

Explanation: A clean nozzle helps maintain consistent extrusion, reducing the likelihood of stringing. Remove any residual filament, dust, or debris from the nozzle using tools like a needle, brush, or cleaning filament. Regular maintenance ensures optimal performance and reduces print defects.


Stringing can be a frustrating issue, but with these five easy methods, you can significantly reduce or eliminate it from your 3D prints. Optimizing retraction settings, lowering printing temperature, adjusting travel speed, enabling combing mode, and keeping the nozzle clean are all effective strategies to achieve smoother, string-free prints. Implement these tips and enjoy higher-quality 3D printing results.

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